Friday, December 28, 2007
Why don't YOU think of a funny title for a change?
I haven't done a thing in the past two days, although I found an amusing missprint in a book I own. It repeated about fifty pages and then restarted thirty pages after the missprint, leaving a large chunk of the book essentialy missing. Good thing I had already read it a few years ago, and this was just a new copy. I'd return it, but I chucked the recipt.
Speaking of books, I bought a few in B-town on Wednesday with a gift card. World War Z and one by the guy who wrote Fight Club (he needs a new last name, I always pronounce it as phallunkiicks, or some variation on that).
Me and Kyle have decided to go looking for Matt, or possibly visit Kathy and Mia. I need to get out of the house.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
I hate Kingdom Connection.
I didn't hear back from the Physical Plant, so it looks like I'm jobless for the break.
Kyle just told me something funny. I can't say what is though. I'll leave you all to ponder it.
You'd think I would have more to say after such a long lapse, but there's not much. I'm contemplating getting a pet tarantula or a scorpion. I'd use it to terrify certain people. Kathy would probably think it was cute though.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Watch out for the Crumpus.
The Bible exam was pretty easy, I thought. I new all the answers, so...yeah. I also managed to process a check request for the Critic in record time. They should have faculty parties more often. That way you can them all in one place to sign stuff you need them all to sign.
I'm not on my lap top, so no pictures today. Maybe later I'll transfer some nice ones.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
There are no pumpkins in coffee.

The above was taken several years ago. Don't ask me the number, that's math major stuff. I'm the guy in the black above the guy in the red. It's a picture of the TWF, the backyard wrestling federation I used to belong to. We had our monthly shows broadcast on the college's TV channel. KATV or something. I wonder if they show reruns?
I was reminded partially because we were all at the Critic gathering last night and Jordan reminded me of it. That and I was browsing through my photos looking for something that wouldn't get me fired to post for your viewing pleasure.
Here's an interesting fact: LSC used to have a backyard wrestling club. They went to House meetings, had a budget, the whole nine yards. LSWF I think it was called. I can't imagine the trouble they had to go through to get that that ship sailing.
I remember wanting to start a billiards club, but then I found out there already was one. Sadly, they never met. An innactive club is actually worse than a non-existant one. If a club doesn't exist, interested parties can create the thing. On the other hand, if the club exists but can't be found *cough*SPRI, AKA the ghost hunting club,*cough* anyone wanting join is more or less up a creek.
Deb's making pumpkin spice coffee for the Writing Center...I can't remember if that flavor was horrid or not. I'll let you know next time.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
The snow took my car.
I didn't crash Saturday night at Kathy's like usual because I wanted to avoid the snow. It was clear most of the day, but now it seems like coming home was a good idea. Tomorrow should be fine. I'll go nab my portfolio and then do my hours before heading over to the Critic exam.
I keep running over my toes with this stupid chair...I'll take pictures of my buried car tomorrow and post them so you can learn to fear and hate the winder up here, if you don't already.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Strange smells in the WritingCenter.
Here's why I'm glad I took the Bible as Literature class: I can now argue with my brother on a topic he likes to argue about, and know more than him. Usually he sticks to science and junk where he's got the high ground, but this time I've got him! Ha!
Next Thursday looks to be long. At 1:30, I'm off to B-town to shop and see my brother. I'm not interesting in crashing the night there, but I might change my mind by then.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
I need like, seventy tetrabytes....that okay?
I've got some billing info to sort out, plus the Critic's constitution needs something done to it. They neglected to tell the clubs just what the problem with their constitutions were, so a few of us are a little worried.
Christmas shopping for Kathy next week. Need to check my pictures for middle fingers...whoops.
Lets see...I think I can pretty much relax a little now, even though it doesn't feel like it.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
I think I'll House for a new car.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Fun with photos.

You know those pictures I've been promising? Well here's three. The one to the left was taken over the summer in the Stonehenge parking lot. Kathy is the one holding the turtle which she promptly captured after seeing it walking by the maintenance shed.
We both worked on the paint crew over the summer, so that pic was taken at about 3 in the afternoon.
The guy on the right in that picture is my old pal Kyle. He hates turtles and other horrible forest creatures.

The picture on the right is me and Tom, AKA Red.
We all went down to Bakuretsucon this year (an anime convention in Colchester) and got tore up.
I'm the one on the left without the flaming red hair. Normally I avoid touching him at all costs, but I was pretty far gone by then.
Bellow is a Role Playing Club meeting from last semester. I ran a Vampire: the Masquerade game. It went pretty good, but I'll never run one again...ever.

I apologize for tha gawdawful layout of this post. I just barely figured out how to put pics up and move them around. This is the result of about half an hour of tinkering. Turns out all I need to do is drag the images. Tomorrow's post should look nicer.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Joey was kidnapped by gnomes...that's the only explanation.
I had myself my usual egg salad/tuna fish sandwich today. Once again it prompted the usual "That's an odd combination," from the guy making it. Nothing mean mind you, should I explain this without sounding like a jerk? Being different, in any way, is often punished in some fashion. Whether it's extra questions or being stoned to death in the village square.
I've got something to do right at this moment, so that's all for today.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Can't stop eating pretzels.
We decorated the Christmas tree too on Friday and made fun of Kevin's candy cane. When we were younger we would make decorations out of paper and whatnot, so Kevin made a straight candy cane with some scribbles for red stripes. It wasn't funny until Kathy started decorating with us a few years ago and though it was hillarious. Now it gets made fun of every year.
Today was more active. We went down to Barre with Kyle, did some shopping, and ate at Friendly's. My parents had been there earlier that day and had apparently eaten awful food.
I'm at work right now, but before leaving the house for my Sunday night shift, Kyle got stuck in the driveway moving out of my way. Thankfully he didn't get as stuck as most people get and was out in about ten minutes. I knew he'd get stuck in that end of the driveway eventually. Everbody does.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Sign, sign, everwhere a...monopoly dollar?
Joey tells me he's been noticing them all over. How bizzare. Kind of creepy too. Josh took a bunch of pictures of them. I might post them latter if and when he sends them to me.
I should note the Critic came out alright. The front page was once again a little dumb, but I'll live with it.
You know what stinks? Graduating in December. I'm graduating in May, but I went to Keri's December graduation last year and I thought "This kind of stinks." Seriously, it was like Graduation-lite or something. Yeah, you get speakers and a bagpipe band, but it's inside the theater and if I remember right, no robes or stupid hats. You can't have a graduation without robes and stupid hats.
My eighth grade graduation was sans robes and stupid December graduation is lamer than high school graduation, which was full of robes and stupid hats.
Speaking of things that look stupid: graduates who dress down. You know, the losers who wears shorts, sandals and sunglasses under their robes. It's like "Go roll another joint, jerk." Dumb kids need to learn to clean themselves up a little.
That complaint stems from my high school days, so it's about four or five years late. And no, I'm not a super senior. I took a year off high school to clean floors at Price Chopper. On the up side, I made so much money I haven't had to get a real job during school. The other up side, I learned working for a living stinks.
I wonder what the deal is with those signs...???
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I'll bite ya, tomorrow...
There's this weird type of candy in a bowl on a desk in the Writing Center. At first I thought they were plastic shower curtain holders or something. I thought "Why in God's name are there colorful shower curtain holders in the candy bowl? I mean, I know it's Christmas and all, but...oh, they are candy."
I ate one to make sure. I think plastic wouldn't have broken so easily. They were tasty enough, but they got sticky easy and were breakable. All in all, I didn't like them.
You can tell my life is exciting.
I find myself on Web forums during my free time picking arguments. One I've found myself in lately has been the whole to-do about "The Golden Compass" movie coming out. I read all three books back in high school, so what bugs me is that it didn't become a controversy until someone took the story and put it to moving lights and sounds. As in, it's only worth talking about once it become a movie.
People can be dumb.
Enough of my high horse. Perhaps something interesting will happen tomorrow.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Workin' hard for the money.
I was able to make four prints today. I need at least fifteen, so with what I've already got, I only need to make two on Monday. Even with my slow methods, two should be do-able.
I handed in the Joyce essay, but I had to keep it sitting face down next to me in the few minutes before I passed it in. It's painful to look at. The class was more boring than usual today, although I learn things in the lectures I would never get from the book. Like which characters have children and whats going on. You know, complicated stuff like that...
For the next hour I'm going to look over U-wire (the AP for college papers) and get some filler. Jornan's sex column looks good. It's basically how to have a quickie at a party without being caught. It's pretty much the kind of stuff he should be writing about. I wonder if we'll get more hate mail.
It looks like the plan is for Kevin and Keri to come down Friday. Kathy has decided to come by on Saturday and hang a few decorations. I have to find out how long Kevin and Keri are staying first.
I'm not gonna lie, this is really annoying. It would be nice to have the family able to get together, but because some people can't bring themselves to reach out one last time, it has to be like this. There aren't words for how much this sucks. It's not so bad on the surface, but when I think about what the situation could be and isn't, it pisses me off.
This coffee is rancid, but I drink it anyway.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Did I shut the coffee pot off?
Tena Star, from the Caledonian Record came in to speak with us. She's the one that interviewed me about Jordan's sex column that caught all that heat a few months back. Apparently being a reporter pays a little more than I thought, but it's also a lot of work. She told us she does two articles a day, which made me laugh because some people complain about doing two a week.
We also discussed a few ethical issues she'd run across. You run into some icky stuff when you're a journalist. Hearing Red's long-winded answer to her moral dilemma was also amusing.
Kathy decided she might come to the tree decorating get-together my family usually has. Normally she'd be there along with everyone else and there would be no problem, but this year she and her best friend, AKA my brother's girlfriend, decided to have a falling out.
I feel like I've mentioned this before...probably because it's been a slight issue for a little while now. Neither one of them cares enough to reach out to the other and it doesn't look like either one will, so it looks like it's going to be an awkward scene come Friday or Sunday, depending.
Personally, I'd rather eat the damned Christmas tree than be in the same room with tension like that.
Speaking of eating trees, I was down in South Station once where I put two bags of green tea in a cup before boarding a train for a nine-hour ride to Baltimore. Can you guess what that much green tea tastes like? A pine tree, that's what. I don't advise it.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Chemicals taste bad.
I think I fogged some of my paper. That doesn't make me happy in the least. That stuff is expensive.
I read my e-mail and I see my next Critic article. Some looney came up to a woman in her car and got after her about something. She drove off and called her roomates. The Public Safety Director explained the entire event in an e-mail and then did a follow-up explaining how it was a case if mistaken identity.
I'll interview him tomorrow about it. My guess is I'll get no new info and names, as usual, will be withheld.
That makes kind of sense for this case, but it's the same way with any other type of thing. Someone does something bad on campus, they get caught, they get punished, their names are withheld.
I was always under the impression that a large part of the concept of punishment was deterence. If people don't know anything happened, it only stops that one person from misbehaving. It happened with a few things last year.
Perhaps I'll suggest a change next time I get a chance.
Anyway, the drive home is going to be fun. It's still snowing, I also need to buy gas.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Do elephants paint peanuts?
Right now I'm IMing with my brother who goes to UVM. He's got some large chemical presentation he has to do. For some reason, this reminds me that I have to set a date to go to Manchester and visit Malcolm again. I told him late November, but we see how that turned out.
Classes are delayed until 1:00 tomorrow. I don't have to go in until 3:00, but I need to get those prints done for my portfolio. I hate photography classes...don't take them if you're short on cash. Film, paper, binders, folders and plastic jackets rack up a bill after a while.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
It's not delivery, it's a frozen pizza....
Mental note: get a new driver's liscense. Mine isn't lamenated, so it's shot. I can't even buy beer with the stupid thing, much less convince Price Chopper to part with it's precious game. Had to use Joey's account.
I took pictures, but they're lame. As soon as Eric gives me back my USB cable, I'll put 'em up anyway.
That's basically all that happened today. One big Halo-athon. Fun to play, not so much to hear about. Tonight me and Kathy are going to go house sit for someone. Their dog, Martin, needs watching. He's a cute, hyper little creature. Maybe a pic of him too, but we'll have to see.