You know those pictures I've been promising? Well here's three. The one to the left was taken over the summer in the Stonehenge parking lot. Kathy is the one holding the turtle which she promptly captured after seeing it walking by the maintenance shed.
We both worked on the paint crew over the summer, so that pic was taken at about 3 in the afternoon.
The guy on the right in that picture is my old pal Kyle. He hates turtles and other horrible forest creatures.

The picture on the right is me and Tom, AKA Red.
We all went down to Bakuretsucon this year (an anime convention in Colchester) and got tore up.
I'm the one on the left without the flaming red hair. Normally I avoid touching him at all costs, but I was pretty far gone by then.
Bellow is a Role Playing Club meeting from last semester. I ran a Vampire: the Masquerade game. It went pretty good, but I'll never run one again...ever.

I apologize for tha gawdawful layout of this post. I just barely figured out how to put pics up and move them around. This is the result of about half an hour of tinkering. Turns out all I need to do is drag the images. Tomorrow's post should look nicer.
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