Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The pretzel supplies are running low.

The meeting could have gone better. Some people seemed shocked that we need to constantly be writing articles and generating story ideas each and every week for the paper to, you know, print or something.

Perhaps I'm being too pessimistic. We've got a ton of photos going in and everyone (most everyone) has an article assigned to them.

My one worry for this week is a column. It hasn't been written yet and already people are upset. I'll have to make sure there's nothing in it that warrants a lawsuit, but even so, I'm sure I'll be in for a few interesting House meetings. I guess it comes with the job, though, so I guess I'll live.

What else? We lowered our ad rates. Burke even seemed to think we were high. That thing about ads isn't quite shaping up like I had hoped...perhaps I thought it would be easier than it actually is.

We're headed off to Burlington this weekend. Kyle is headed home for a visit. Normally, we'd all go down, but he hasn't been home in a while.

I wonder if my car will make the hill tonight?

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