Monday, November 26, 2007

Back from break.

Ah, it's the first day back from the Thanksgiving break. I managed to kind of avoid eating myself stupid over Thanksgiving, but there's enough leftovers to feed a small guerilla army. Not that I have one that needs feeding, mind you...

Anyway, I go into my photography class at three and apparently they're mad some one didn't pick up all of the chemicals from the last time it was used. They say if it keeps happening, they'll close the lab off and limit its use to during class hours only.

I'm no photo whiz, so I need that extra time. I can't make enough prints in the hour and twenty minutes class takes up for a half decent project grade. Also, I was the last guy there today, so lucky me, I ended up being the guy to clean all the chemicals, plus I got to fix up the developer sink. I hate messy people.

On a better note, my essay on James Joyce isn't due until next week. I thought it was this Wednesday. I hade the rope to hang myself all tied and everything...still, once that essay is done, I'll only have two more Critics to worry about before the nice, long, winter break.

The Critic is the school's newspaper. I edit it. It's pretty much the best thing on campus, period. You should read it. Heck, join it.

There's some political forum going on tomorrow. I'll have to send a reporter to see if we can cover it. Things like that are always hillarious.

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