Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Why am I dizzy?

So I'm sitting in my chair last night at about 12:30, when for no reason at all, I get dizzy. I blame that two-day-old pickled beef stuff. That'll teach me to try new things.

I have this one professor who uses the phrase "in any case" a lot. This semester I began keeping a tally of how many times he says it. I thought I'd seen the limit one day when I counted 13. The next class I had, he said it 15 times. Today, 23. A bizzare hobby, I know, but it helps me pay attention.

I heard that the Girls Gone Wild people will be at the Packing House. Normally, I avoid the Packer like the plague, but I might make an exception.

I went over a bunch of advertising material for The Critic with Dan. Hopefully, after I meet with the guy who wants to sell for us, we'll really get into the swing of ad sales in the spring. From what I was told, a $7,000 goal wasn't all that unreasonable. The question would then be: what to do with that much money?

Solid gold notebooks...solid gold digital camera...print The Critic on solid gold plates...one copy of course, but it would be the best issue ever.

I forgot that the RPC's Game Day is this Saturday. You pay three bucks at the door and you play whatever video game system from noon until about midknight. SNES, Gamecube, Xbox (hopefuly at least one 360...HALO 3!!!!) and some PS2. I remember it being succesful last year. I'll bring my TV and maybe my Cube, but I'll cut back on the PS2 games. All the multiplayer ones I own are lame.

I'm taking a nap when I get home. Today was my early day. I took a 9-11 shift at the writing center as a tutor, which means afternoons are for sleep. Just as soon as I get done with this news meeting, which will be depressing seeing as how more or less no one got their stories in on time. Oh well, not much I can really do.

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