Friday, March 28, 2008

Wanted: Evil Spirit Editor.

Alright, there's a certain computer in LAC 409 that has The Devil living inside of it. Once again, the front page became corrupted and I had to make it anew. Guess what computer I'm not using anymore?

We put Harry Swett on the front page. He had Catherine take a photo of him with goofy teeth, so the front page looks good. Overall, a good issue with some stupid mistakes. Gwen's cooking column was a cooking contest type deal, but I didn't know that, so I had the bottom part cut off for space...making it a contest of one...

The local Umbrella chapter seems to think it's a club of some sort and should get free ad space. They're not a club, and nor do they get free ad space. Heck, I don't think even the clubs try to use that ability.

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