Monday, February 11, 2008

Tell me to beware, I'll tell you where to be. Chicken pot pie...

I just got done poking around the Blood Drive, asking questions, taking pictures. If we do it right, that should fill up a page. I've got about three columnists now, so I'm thinking editorials might bleed over onto page four. One woman who writes for us had a pretty good idea for a column, so we're going to run with it. Stay tuned for "Dear John" the best thing since Holy Sheet.

As for last issue, I guess I'm more happy with it today than I was the day it came out. It had some horrid spelling errors and some odd picture placements, but I'll live with it. The guy I have who converts the files converted them wrong, so for a second I was looking at a PDF with no pictures showing up and feeling ill. The problem was fixed though. So, barring techincal difficulties, the Critic should roll right off the press this week.

One thing did annoy the crap out of me Friday. A guy I know related to me that there's this woman who likes to sit down and "correct" all the Critic's spelling errors when it comes out. He asked her why she simply didn't join the Critic as a copy editor and her response was something like "Because then I'd have to be a part of it," or something insipid like that.

What kind of person takes a student newspaper the day it comes out and marks the errors on it when they could just as easily show up some night and make sure the errors never see print? A *****, that's what.

I guess there's nothing for it but to make a big deal out of proofreading. If I let stuff like that bug me, I'm not going to get far.

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