Friday, February 1, 2008

One down, 10 to go.

The first issue of the semester is out. All things considered, it went pretty well.

I guessed it was going to be a long night. The crew was pretty green, but they learned well enough. I lost the damned front page and had to do it over again, and the printer kept telling us they hadn't received the files via Fetch, so we had to e-mail them.

I wasn't quite clear on what I wanted from people writing-wise, so I had to alter a few articles quite a bit. No big deal, I've got a plan to help that matter on Tuesday. There were some rather unfortunate mistakes in the paper as well. Something about prizes and a guy named Barrie Sanders...

The last hour or so I spent messing with blogger for Dan's class. I can make slide shows now, so maybe this blog will have something cool of that nature in the near future.

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