Sunday, February 3, 2008


Someone has been running around and writing "Theo" on everything. Have I mentioned this? Well I'm saying it twice then if I have. It's written all over LSC and even on the wall in White's Market. I'm thinking of ways to publicize this (graffiti is news in Vermont...) without encouraging it. I'm thinking, if it continues at least, that headlines like "Who is Theo?" and et cetera, should be avoided.

But for real, who the hell paints "Theo" all over the place? What bugs me about petty vandal crime is that it lacks class. "Theo" says nothing, nor is it hard to write "Theo" on random surfaces.

I remember hearing about some people hacking Wikipedia and putting a tracker on who updated. It was illegal, but they found out that oil and cigarette companies were editing entries on their companies to make themselves look better. Now there's a crime with class.

We're having another news meeting on Tuesday, as usual. Hopefully Thursday night didn't scare my staff off. It gets easier folks, I swear.

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