Thursday, December 13, 2007

I need like, seventy tetrabytes....that okay?

You have no idea how nice it was to put the finish touches on the last issue of the Critic for the semester. Ten issues and we didn't crash and/or burn once. Next semester I'll have a fresh crew, some of which are actually into journalism which means I might be able to turn my attentions to stuff that isn't writing articles and assigning stories. Stuff like ads and making something the next editor can build off from instead of this Throw Them to the Wolves setup that's been going for I don't know how many years.

I've got some billing info to sort out, plus the Critic's constitution needs something done to it. They neglected to tell the clubs just what the problem with their constitutions were, so a few of us are a little worried.

Christmas shopping for Kathy next week. Need to check my pictures for middle fingers...whoops.

Lets see...I think I can pretty much relax a little now, even though it doesn't feel like it.

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